FDA Registration for Food and Beverages

FDA Registration – Food and Beverages FDA食品及饮料注册

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] requires that both U.S. and foreign facilities register with FDA if they manufacture, process, pack, or hold food or beverages for consumption in the United States. In addition to registering, foreign facilities must designate a U.S. agent for FDA communications.美国食品和药物管理局要求所有境内外对食品和饮料进行生产, 加工, 包装或储存并在当地销售的企业, 都要指派某一美国法定代理人与FDA保持信息互通.

We offer below services: 我们为您提供如下服务:

A U.S. FDA registration number and assurance that your registration is active with FDA.帮助客户提供注册申请料并获得相关账户和11位注册号.

Update your registration with FDA as needed.帮助客户按照FDA要求及时更新注册信息.

Facilitate interactions with FDA, including scheduling of FDA inspection.帮助客户与FDA保持信息互通, 包括通知安排验货服务.

FDA U.S. agent and official correspondent.为客户提供美国代理人和官方联系人服务.

Food canning establishment (FCE) & Process Filings (SID).为客户提供密封装食品的官方申报.

Labeling review.食品或饮料标签,标识审核.

FDA food contact test report verification.食品等级报告审核

FDA food contact substance testing 北美食品等级测试


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